Tuesday, February 17, 2004

PHASE #3 - Peter is on a roll. I don't AGREE though on this one

Great sex does not mean a great relationship and will do nothing to give you a great relationship, however a great relationship can lead to great sex! Not trying to tute my own horn but I think their are very few people on the face of this planet that I would not be sexual compatable with and only for the reason that great sex is based on what you bring into the bedroom with you and I don't mean physical. The key to great sex revolves around the ability to motivate someones inhibitions and put them at ease with themselves so they are free to do what they want to do! Sex has nothing to do with love, affection or anything else you want to call it. It is physical in every sense of the word and unfortunately this is were people get confused. How many people do you now consider their relationship great because of the sex but eventually it turns to shit!.........and why is that........glad you asked.......its because it takes the relationship to a whole different level. Its called responsibilty! People have a habbit of looking to loosely at what a committment actually is and until (this is where the important part comes in so pay attention!) as human walking this earth, you have identified yourself as an individual and actually comprehend that individual , you are not ready to indulge with another human on an emotional level. Its too easy to walk away from things today and everybody knows that and that plays a big role in why people have screwed up relationships. Love has never been a result of any sexual relationship I have ever had and with good reason! Its not what I was looking for in those relationships! If your involved with someone that does'nt understand his/her position in their relationship then they don't understand themselves. People are always ponning off their shortcomings, or hard luck or whatever the hell you want to call it on other people, but it all starts with the person you see everyday in the mirror. The whole point of my fairytale story was that I was a no one, roaming this earth as does everyone else without knowing who I was. I was in a very similar situation as him. I thought I was in love but in retrospect I really was'nt. ( not that I trying to take away from your captivating effect on men) I wanted to be in love and I tried to do it with princess........totally different scenarios..........You have a choice to make and here go the options. 1. you can bite the bullet and give into what he wants.......I need to comment on this......he needs to get a grip..lol....I'm not knocking the guy but it seems like he's seeking happiness through you....but also this would have already been if it was meant to be! 2. Ditch him.....the poor bastard is torturing himself! Why oh why do men do this! You cannot force natures course, take your efforts towards improving yourself. 3. Right now you are not ready, from what you tell me, to advance into a committed relationship and that in itself should be a tell tale sign for him to just let it go. You will know when its their and it won't have to be something you think about either. I'm a big player on fate when it comes to relationships, thats why I think their not jobs. Fate comes in small windows, but its not intended for you to reshuffle your entire life at the drop of dime....understand where I'm coming from. Find out who Katie is ( shes the one who wants me!..hahaha) then worry about everyone else. Are you aggitated because he's on a different level or because you wish you were on his level?

P.S. I'm married, sober and I own my own company. Nothing scares me! and I think we ahhh forget it. JUST KIDDING!!!!!
----- Original Message



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