Thursday, May 27, 2004

my ups, my downs, my twists and turns, good and bad.

If I was made to explain my feelings at this very moment, I think I would fail. I pondered on poetry and lyric and still I am at a stand still. I sometimes wonder if the roller coaster I travel on daily will somehow stop. When I explain my life as a rollercoaster ride, I mean it in many different ways. There are the steep hills of turmoil, the flat surfaces of success, my ups, my downs, my twists and turns, good and bad. Today, my rollercoaster ride has come to a turning point, so to speak.

JAY. What to elaborate upon about Jay? Funny, Loving, Affectionate, Handsome, Tall, Mysterious and full of energy would be a great start. He walked into my life without warning and I have been on a whirl of a wind ever since. Two weeks ago he was sitting on my mothers deck late night when I walked in. He was there with some friends and my sisters. As soon as our eyes met, they locked, we were hooked. We never did stop looking at eachother that night. I didn't stop thinking of him until the next time I saw him which was a few days later. We spent the entire week talking on the phone, lying on the couch, and talking our ears off. I never did change out of my sweat pants, and he just ran his fingers through my hair until I fell asleep. I awoke in his arms. I love looking at the photo of him and I. It was taken the first night we met and we both are looking into eachother's eyes and it speaks a thousand words.

TANK. The amount of flowing feeling that runs through me for this man is absolutely astounding. His endless knowledge, his never ending affection, and his talented tongue and hardcore attitude is irresistible. The compatibility that brings us so completely together is unexplainable. The way he looks. His bald head,tattooed skin, and heartbreaking eyes. The debates he throws my way and the way he explains every detail so that I to, can understand. The way my names rolls off of his tongue, his southern drawl, it makes my skin raise goose bumps. Hearing his voice as I lie in my bed late at night is soothing to me. Even though he is a million miles away, I feel so completely safe. I yearn for the moment he holds me in his arms and I rest my head upon his strong shoulders and chest.

I am very lucky to have met the acquaintance of two very special men. While they are not intimate relationships, I still feel soulfully connected to each of them. In a matter of a few months I was blessed by the stars with these two amazing human beings, who have truly made a difference in my life. I look forward to riding my roller coaster ride with the both of them. I will also be happy to stop the ride at any time to allow them to get off.


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