Sunday, June 06, 2004

THANK GOD ITS OVER!!!! time for some mint chocolate chip

So the Cleary-Judd Wedding was a complete success . . . with the exception of Chris and I dancing like Broadway stars and accidentally smashing the entire bottle of Bud Lite on the dance floor . . . we decided to never talk about that scene ever again. , ., ., so I wont. For the past 2 weeks I have been out drinking ALOT because of the wedding. I never realized how completely time consuming and dragged out all of the planning is. I went out Last Fri, Sat, Sun, , Wed, Thurs, Last night and now today (Saturday). Technically it is slready Sunday..... Which brings me to the next thing on my mind . . Yeah . . . I need a liver transplant.
I am so glad this wedding is over. I feel aa though I was the bride. It consumed all of my energy, all of my money. I had such a great time with friends and fsmily. I love Linda soo much and to think that she is moving to AZ.
Anyway, this week and most likely the week sfter, Or I will be toast. . . .yeah I cant even keep my eyes open long enough to finish typing.


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