My mood is: happy but a little annoyed
What do I long for: I want to feel like I belong where I am.
53 More Days until my Birthday!!!! The big 28!

Today feels as if it is going to go smoothly and happily. I woke up this morning in an exceptional mood. I sat up in my bed, looked out the window and noticed it was a tad bit misty and foggy out. I groaned a bit and rolled over and fell asleep for another half of an hour.
When I awoke again I freaked.... I jumped out of bed, ran across my kitchen floor, slid into the bathroom and jumped into the shower. . . .
I was so late for work. My bosses rock though. No one was here when I got here..So I could chill.
Cole called me and we talked for a few. I am so completely infatuated with this man. He is my long lost soul mate. Seriously. We are so incredibly compatible that it is a little scary for my non commitable ass. He makes me laugh, smile, cry, yell, etc. He is the best of all of my feelings. He means the world to me. He is important to me and he is literally my best friend.
His package I sent him has not showed up yet. I am wigging out.
I am actually busy at work so I'll write later.
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