Monday, October 06, 2003


Just got home. Very very very tired and now contemplating meeting Jill, Liz and Jeff out for a few cocktails to watch the game. I really would love to go but I am just exhausted and still feeling a little like crap from the long weekend I had. I mean it's not like I partied alot at all... I was in 3 states in 10 hours and it was a long drive and then I just wanted to fall asleep early on Saturday night but that proved to be a misconception on my part. At any rate, I am still "recovering" so to speak and logically speaking, should just stay in, take a long bath and sip some wine and then go night night.
Well Kris fixed the problem I was having with idiot's posting cruel and non supportive messages on my guest book and message boards. No people don't understand that this site is not for strangers or for any other reason except to let people know what's going on or for me to vent and for my "FRIENDS" to also vent what's on their mind. I do not bother anyone and I don't expect to be bothered. It really does not matter to me because they are destroyed as soon as they are read by myself or by Kris. So it is not hurting anyone or bothering me in anyway. I know I am awesome and beautiful and just an all around nice chic so to me it is just an act of jealousy and they are just haters in my eyes. ha ha Anyway I am going to read Hannah a book and see if I can get her to sleep early tonight so I can creep out for some cocktails..... hmmm. I mean I am not gonna leave her alone or anything.. I think Hoss is coming over Hopefully they'll go to bed early tonight.
I will talk to you later. Have a good night. xo
I just wanted to let everyone know that a friend of mine's son was in an accident last week and he passed away. HE flipped a four wheeler over and died a few days later in the hospital. I bring this up now because I just now.. 2 minutes ago spoke to a family member.
Rest in Peace Jareth Delvecchio. 1988-2003


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