Monday, October 06, 2003


My friggan TUB IS BROKEN! I think I might jump off of my roof top. Oh My Goddess. What am I going to do now? It just does not end. The drama just won't stop. I walked away from my computer, finished the dishes and then went to draw my bath....Sounds so simple right.. Well the Hot water knob came completely off and now I have no way of turning it. I am going to drink my glass of wine and wait for my man to come over and then bat my eyelashes and give him my pout and tell him I really need to take a bath.... hopefully that will work. I know the last thing he wants to do after working all day long is come over here and fix something. Ahhhh such as life. Such as life. So no jacuzzi jet byubble bath for me. Shit. What am I going to do now to relax????? I will just sit and wait. HAHA Watch him not come over tonight now. He'll call me and tell me he is just going to go home and go to bed. YUP.. That is what will happen. Oh well. I am just going to go fold my laundry, and then go to sleep and see what happens. Nothing is on TV tonight worth sitting arouind for and I definitely am not going out tonight. hahah See how my mind makes itself up? SO I AM staying in and drinking my wine, and then picking up the house and going to bed. I am so better off. Things happen for a reason. No tubbie for Ruby tonight. Just another thing I have to pay for to get fixed tomorrow. I have to watch Baby Wim tomorrow night anyway so I need to be refreshed. The OC better be on tomorrow night. IT has not been on for 2 weeks in a row. WTF??? Now I am really going. Have a good night.. You have to admit though. My life is pretty funny. hahah I laugh.


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