Saturday, October 11, 2003

It's so weird how it feels when you miss someone

I had no idea what to do with myself tonight. It was very strange. Usually Friday nights are "Girls Nights" but I was the only girl tonight. It was so weird. I mean 80% of my friends are guys and I was with the boys tonight....See my web page down the bottom on the pic pg.. thats them.. Anyway. I had a good time and all... a very good time But I miss Liz. She went away all weekned and I am going up there to see her tomorrow but still it is so weird not being with the girls. SO WEIRD. This has been a ritual. No guys just girls. We do our own things and our guys do their own thing. I mean even the guys who have girlfriends were alone tonight. Friday nights are a chics sacred night. We never pass it up. It sucked so bad. I felt like something was missing the entire time. Whatever. And to top that off my handsome mean is in Pennsylvania for the entire weekend and I am going nuts. I like my time to myself but I really was sad tonight. No man , no best friends. I was lonesome. The guys at the clubhouse did a great job of cheering me up and treated me awesome as usual. But it really sucked. It's funny.. because the saying absence akes the heart grow fonder.. it is so true because when I see Izzabee tomorrow (hopefully) I am going to hug her and kiss her and tell her how much I missed her for the entire 24 hours that we did not speak or see eachother. You won't understand unless you know Liz and I. We are on the phone with eachother every morning at 8 am and we continue to talk or she is over at some point and we call eachother while we are climbing into bed to do it all over tomorrow.. Ya know what I mean. We are BEST friends. Ahhh and Hoss still has not called me to let me know he arrived safely. He will call me tomorrow. I don't even think he knows I went out tonight. Anyway. I am so tired and I want to go to bed. Anthony is going to call me any second.. I can smell him. hahah
Good night all. Talk to you tomorrow sometime. GOD thank Goodness that all that web site drama has been stopped. I was getting really annoyed.


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