Thursday, October 09, 2003

To my Hannah Banana... I love you a million Swedish Fish

Stronger than I am
Things around here haven’t changed much
It’s all pretty much the same stuff day after day
The only thing that keeps me going
Seems to be our baby girl I’m trying to raise
She’s my life my morning angel
Always seems to find the rainbow after the rain
Lately she’s been so busy growing
I don’t even thinks she knows you’ve gone away

She finally learned to say goodbye
She’s sleeping through the night
She doesn’t wake up cryin’
And she’s walking on her own
She doesn't need anyone to hold her hand
And I hate to admit she’s stronger than I am

She's not cracking under pressure
First one step and then another she goes along
If she falls and skins her knee
She cries awhile and then smiles at me and just goes on
So many things that she can teach me
Full of life and so completely innocent
She still says she loves her daddy
Goes on just like nothing happened
Forgives and forgets

She’s just like her old man
Stronger than I am


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