Wednesday, October 08, 2003

Call me EVIL.. I just call myself "BRIGHT"

I remember a wise man in Las Vegas once told me as I sat with one of my friends at a gentlemen's club... Well he told me that my smile is like a bright sunlight and my eyes are like the bluey sky and they could get me whatever I wanted. I laughed deviously knowing EXACTLY what he meant. Ha It is so sad how a feature you were blessed with can can be used as such a weapon. This man was Axl Rose from Guns N' Roses and even though He had performed the song Sweet Child O' Mine many many years before our meeting, I knew what he was "singing" about even then. As I sat while he paid for our lap dances and all of our expensive drinks, he talked about everything and anything. The funny part about the whole situation is that he NEVER tried to touch me or grope me or even want to go back to either hotel to play. That was the most intriguing part. He had sent us over drinks for an hour or so without revealing his identity and then him and an acquaintance he was with strolled over to our couch and sat themselves down. Me being so clueless had no freaking idea who he was but I knew he was familiar looking. He introduced himself as simply "A" and his friend was Bruce. We talked and talked and enjoyed the beautiful women around us. It was probably 2-3 hours later that he finally said, "You have absolutely no idea who I am and I definitely dig that". I figured him a porn star at this point but when he EVER told me he was Axl Rose I thought I would die. I knew it was him after that moment. haha. He said that I had the most beautiful hair, eyes, lips and smile he has ever seen on a human being. He also complimented my intellect and my personality which to me is the most important. I bring this up because as I sat with my very handsome and powerful attorney this morning, he looked at me with a grin and I smiled back and he said, Katie if you don't use those eyes and smile today in the hearing, you are a fool. And I just sat back and smiled. I knew I looked good. I wore my black pants and my black peasant and my black boots. I was in mourning when I woke up but when I walked out of my house I was like a breath of fresh air for all eyes. My hair was neatly parted and severely pulled back tight and my eyes looked fantastic this morning. It must be the fresh coat of Ruby Red intensifier. I makes my eyes bang out there true Greeny Blue. ANd my lips...... Well you can forget about it. Perky and plump as ever. So I chuckled to myself and immediately thought of my old friend Axl and our long meeting inside of the club in front of the Golden Nugget.. Goddess... what is the name of that place. I can't put my finger on it. Renae will know because when we went there last March we visited the club again. Damn it! At any rate, It just humors me what a little batting of the long lashes and the biting of a plump lip and a flip of the long ruby red hair can do to ANY man.. be him a judge, a cop, a bartender, an outlaw or just a guy i the supermarket. It just humors me and makes me chuckle. It also makes me feel inferior. Inferior because I know that just by giving some man a look or a certain glance... I can have whatever I want. And yes! Damn right I am proud of that. My attorney thinks I should teach women how to do it. My response to that was simply that Noone can be a Ruby Goddess. It can't be taught. It is a gift for me and only me.


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