Monday, October 06, 2003


Ruby Red, Katie Red, Katie Anne, Peachy, Sweet Thing, Bitch... I have a ton more. Want me to continue? Ha. What's going on? I am over Jim and Lisa's house. We are booking the trip to Vegas..... Lisa got you a ticket and I am going too. Awwww Yeahhh. We are gonna tear it up Blue Eyes... Surprise Surprise. So, What's new with you? I guess you heard the horrible news that I was going to be a Daddy. Yeah. Mind boggling I tell ya. The dumb bitch told me she was on the pill. Nope. She was'nt. The lying whore. I am just going to get custody and bring the boy back here. Let my mother raise him. I can't stomach the fact that I would have to ever deal with that gross pig again. You know me. I am just not the trapped in, tied down, boyfriend dad type. I am me and I aint apologizing for being me either. Hey! I'd give ya my left arm and right leg if ya mean something to me... just don't fuck around man. So yeah. The boy is due to pop out in November. His name is Dominic so I am told.
I just wanted to pop on and say hi to you. Lisa says get off line so she can talk to you on the phone. We were goinna come over to visit but we can't get a hold of you. I hear your nre house is relally nice. Need a room mate? I'll pay all the bills.. just let me crash in the big bed. Haaa You have to love me you sexy bitch. No seriously. I miss ya and can't wait to see you again. I am staying with Jim and Lisa for awhile until I figure out what I am going to do with the kid and the pig. Sorry for being so blatantly disrespectful. I am just pissed the fuck off right now. The bitch trapped me. And it pains me that I have to dish out the fortune I make to her when I never really even liked her to begin with. I just feel bad for the boy. Well I am sure I will bump into you sooner or later. Preferably sooner. I hear everything seems to be going well with you. Good to hear that. Here's my cell # .. Call me. We'll hook up for old times sake. HAHa Just playing
617-8 - 3
Anyone ese calls me... they'll die!


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