Friday, October 10, 2003

Ever wonder why when you are "down" or for some reason or another are feeling sad, you freaking put in a sad CD? I was just sitting here editing some of the material for the book and I was reading some of the things like it wasn't my life. Like I was reading someone else's story and I was seriously thinking for a quick second that I felt bad for this person. hahaha I am a wacko. I was really getting into it after that and I just started typing. I mean I was reading my own life story and editing it and was feeling sorry for myself. Wow. That is the strangest so far. I was cranking my Alanis Bootleg that I got at the Record Store I love so much in Quincy center. It's all songs that none of you have ever heard. Reason being, they are not on any of her albums. This chic is a psycho path. I swear to God her words though, fit me like a glove and anyone who knows me well enough will understand what I mean. I mean take You outta know for example... that song is so me. Take ummm Hands Clean for another example... ME. It is almost bizarre. Like Alanis spied on me my entire life and wrote songs about my endeavors. hahahah It is funny. I guess that is why I idolize her because she is me in a different body. Her words are incredible. I know I am a little tapped right? Well I am so serious. Alanis Morrisette is solely responsible for my writings and my journals and my book. Through her lyrics, her art, her poetry I have found a talent in myself that has literally made me a better person. I know it sounds so corny and so naive but I am so serious.
So I was just talking to my friend in Vegas and he wants me to come out there to visit him. I am seriously thinking of it. He was telling me about alot of prospective jobs I could look into. He has a 3 bedroom house and he lives alone. He said I could stay there with Hannah until I get a place. He works for a bank out there and says that there are a ton of places to acquire employment. I have been thinking about Vegas for sometime now. I am just weighing the fact that Las Vegas is not really a place to raise a child. He is telling me otherwise. Raving about the school systems and saying that Vegas is very family oriented. Hmmm. Oh my God. Brian and my song is on right now. Awwww Uckkkkkkkk
Anyway. I need a change. I need a clean sweep and It is going to be Vegas or Texas. Clear out of New England. Did the Red Sox lose tonight? I forgot to check... I am too scared to check.
"I will be by your side baby, when you need shelter from the storm, when you need someone to keep you warm. I'll be by your side....." Is Stevie B black or White? It is so hard to distinguish vocal wise. Do you know what I mean. Like I can distinguish someones ethnicity by their vocals. By the way they carry a tune. Sounds funny right? Well I can't put my finger on Stevie B. I have never seen a video of him and seriously have never seen a picture.
I am listening to Stevie B's greatest hits. It is so funny because I remember sitting in my cellar in Abington. Remember the Cellar. All the magic happened down there man. haha My father built Kerry and I like an apartment. It had a bedroom, living room and even a REAL phone booth. Oh my God remember that? That was awesome. We had the best things as kids . EVERYONE wanted to live at our house. We had every CD ever made back then. My father always had to have the latest technologies. hahaha But Stevie B... haha We used to play him in the background of our answering machine.. haha Remember 982-1354 Katie, Kerry, Jill and Tray just jet out the door. Cruisin' in Shanequa with all the girls..looking for some boys so they can rock their worlds., We can be tappin the bottle and twistin the cap and acting all whack but we'll be damn sure we aint taking no nap It's like this and like that and like this and uh It's like that and like this and like thatand uh.. It's like this, so leave a message at the tone and just chill until we get home. OH MY GOD we were soooo queer... hahaha and people thought we were the coolest. hahahh I remember we had "nuttin but a g thang" for the background music... Uckkkkk Losers!!! Ahhhhh memory lane. I love this. What about the time I was trying to sneak out of my house and I climbed onto the garage and Jay, Luke, Mike and Brian were all waiting with the ladder and I slipped and literally rolled off of my roof and my father saw the whole entire thing from his window. I was so grounded. I was in a lot of pain after that night. I swear I broke some ribs.
We used to have no fear. Going to Dorchester at 15 to go see guys we met at the mall who were like 19-20 and we lied tpo them and said we were 18 and back then saw no problem with that. OH GOD!! We were so bad. HAve our parents rop us off at the Quincy Movie theatres and walk right out the back door to the T station and take the train to ASHMONT uh yeah hello? We seriously thought it was not a problem. I won;t even get off at Ashmont TODAY.. never mind when I was 15. It's funny how innocent and naive you are at that age. You think you are so inferior. We were just idiot's. Hanging out at D street projects in Southie like we were something else at 16. I'll let you read all about it in the book. I was a trip. I had no fear and just thought my parents sucked so bad for grounding me all the time because I was caught in Dorchester or in Southie. Now I am like why didn't they just give me away? Send me away. I must have scared them to death. Sorry. I was an idiot as a teenager. Alright Stevie B is so getting out of the cd player. I am switching to Trapt.


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