Tuesday, November 18, 2003

It's My Life

Funny how I find myself
In love with you
If I could buy my reasoning
I would pay to lose
One Half won't do

I've asked myself how much do you have?
Commit yourself

It's my life
Don't you forget
It's my life
It never ends

Funny how I blind myself
I never knew
If I was sometimes played upon
Afraid to lose

I would tell myself what good do you do
Convince myself

It's my life
Don't you forget
It's my life
It never ends

I would ask myself how much do you have?
Commit yourself

It's my life
Don't you forget
Caught in the crowd
It never ends

I find myself in question again
And I doubt this Love you've given to me
I hope you understand when I say
I need this time to myself

You speak your mind to me again
You force your words so deep within
You try to tell me how to live
But it's my life

I know your open arms too well
Cause I have lost myself there many times before
I need to slowly fall away
Far from the grip you have on me

You speak your mind to me again
You force your words so deep within
You try to tell me how to live
But it's my life
I find these words were never true
I've lost all my respect for you
I need to find my own way
It's my life

Gotta get away
One step away
Just one step away
I gotta get away you're pushing me away
I gotta get away
Well I'm gone


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8:13 AM  

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