Tuesday, November 25, 2003

yeah well I didnt make it into Boston Satirday night. We ended up in Providence. GOOD TIMES BABY!! We went to Ri Ra's and Blakes and then last but most certainly not least.... The Complex. I was on top of the bar and misbehaving and completely having the best time and I turn and look and you all know who is standing right in front of me with his friggan pointer finger pointing me down from the bar. ahhhhhh I am just never free to be me!!! I had such a great time though. even after that insanity. It is quite hysterical now looking back at the entire night.
At any rate, I am now at work and I am trying to download some quotes from scar face but to no avail.... I want some Soprano's quotes also because Jackie and I sit in our office all day playing funny quotes from movies and laugh all day. I mean we work very hard and we are always busy BUT the minority of the day is spent online downloading music and funny quotes. Ahhhahahaha And we sit on the phone pranking Allison and Liz all day. Yeah we get paid for this. ahhaha
OOhhhh goodie.. The scarface quotes have arrived.. time to download. Talk to everyone shortly.


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