Wednesday, January 28, 2004


I twisted my ankle this morning. I am sitting helplessly in my office all alone. As usual. I am not a happy camper. I am supposed to get my taxes done this afternoon and Goddess knows when another human being might actually show up for work. It sickens me to the core that these idiots I work for just come and go as they please. It must be nice to live their lives. I don't get it. I am not a fucking receptionist, secretary or metals clerk. o.k.? Leave me alone, let me run the company and give me a raise. I do everyone elses job so we may as well consolidate and get rid of the heroin addict, the gym addict and the gossip queen and just keep me on and give me more money. Christ, the Money we would save alone. It is just ridiculous. I mean I am not saying that I am perfect. I am the first one to go get my nails done or take a 2 hour lunch to go to Macy's. I will even leave early for no apparent reason and get away with it all. But all of my work is done and I never leave anyone hanging. I am so sick of it. I am going to ring Johnny's neck. HE is driving me batty. HE is leaving for Vegas this weekend and now I want to go. I am watching the baby so I cant go and he is stressing me out.

I am cooking my famous "Meola" Chili for the big game. Apparently I am also in charge of the salsa and cheese dip. I guess everyone loved it last year. I just hung up with Brian's Mom and she gave me the secret ingredient finally for the Chili. It took me bribing her with a free haircut and manicure but I got it. Renie is calling me later with the list of events and I am so not looking forward to that.

I am so miserable right now. My ankle is throbbing. I want my mommy and I want to go home. I was in bed right after american idol last night. Paul and Hannah were still playing Sony when I fell asleep. Goddess knows how long Hanny was up. At any rate this morning she was up and ready as I exited the shower. So she was in a bright and sunny mood. Good thing because I was in a shitty one. ha ha ha

I have not talked to Andy in a few days. I hope he is alright. HE has been working long hours and overnights. But ususally I hear from him. Especially since the Super Bowl is coming up and we always have fun on Superbowls ... woo hoo. It is our favorite time of year. I need a fun day.

Yawn. I think it is nap time. I am going to play my YOGA techno mix and try to take a nap on the couch in my office for a few. Yeah my job sux huh? I am done with my work and Justin is in the front office so he can freaking answer the phone.

Ruby's Fire is not even close to being finished. I am having anxiety attacks left and right. Ahhhhhh
I will work on that around 2:30 ish.

My mood today is: Luke warm
I feel like: The world is on my shoulders
I am happy because: I have a beautiful daughter
I am sad because: I am not rich yet
My goal is: to become one with myself and find happiness


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