Sunday, January 18, 2004

I had the most remarkable weekend. I was involved in q house fire in Avon, I watched the PAtriots win the championship and gloated because I won 350 on the spread, not to mention the new lap top I got from Tony..... I am such a spoiled brat.... So yeah to sum it up, I did not sleep much last night due to heavy clouds of smoke in my nose and lungs.......but it was a weekend to remember.
I am off to a nice tub, nice book and then to bed.
Have a great evening..... until tomorrow...
Oh my Goddess, by the wqy....definitely make it a point to see American Wedding. . . . . I am still laughing. . . . . It's time to BOOM BOOM with the BRIDESMAIDS!

Ciao' for now!


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