Friday, January 16, 2004


Yeah so I started the automobile this morning and left it running for about 40 minutes........ Still no warm heat to enjoy on the way to work. As much as I love the freezing air...... I was very unhappy and uncomfortable this morning. My heat was cranked to 85 all night and yet I was still freezing when I got out of bed. My fingers are still thawing out from the ride here. I have heated seats and steering wheel and still it never warmed up. I think there may be something wrong.....maybe the freezing cold damaged something in my engine. I am not a happy camper. My legs are still itching from thawing out. I hate that feeling. . . . .Anyway, I am leaving work early today because I am a pussy and I want to go back into my big comfy bed and climb under the covers and just be soooo warm... I think I will leave soon actually. At any rate, I am still freezing, my life seems to be falling apart at the seams. Liz is 'dissing" me for her boyfriend and I am not happy about it. When I ask her to come over, she tells me it is too cold out andthen she ends up over S's house. I am mad at Spanky because he has the power to end the insanity that is going on and yet he continues to let me feel like this. I don't get it. I am so upset about the whole thing. I really am. I feel as though I am losing my best friends and I am powerless. I do not like feeling like I have lost control of my life. I despiuse the way I am feeling. Thank Goodness that I do have Tony and Anthony. I guess they are the only ones I really have. I hate to talk like this about Elizabeth because I love her so much. I guess I do not understand what is really happening. MAybe we are just drifting apart. Maybe we are going in different directions. I don't know really. I am saddened and very uncomfortable. Whatever


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