Thursday, January 15, 2004


My bestest Snake friend died about 4 hours ago..... I am just finding out right now. I brought her to the vet because she was sick and then and asked Brian to pick her up a few nights ago. He brought her home and I guess it was just too cold for her to get better. I know it isn't Brian's fault but I just want to kill him right now. I feel bad for feeling like this. He told me that the lamps in her room were all on and that he was giving her the pills the vet gave. She wouldn't eat anything. I know that much is true because when she was here she would not eat any of the 4 rats that I was trying to give her. Her "lips" (I know Boa's don't have lips) were chapped and frothy and I just knew something was wrong. The vet said she had a staff infection of some sort and when Brian picked her up he said she seemed ok. The only thing that seemed funny to him was her skin. It seemed like it was scaling and peeling which definitely will not happen on a freezing cold time of year. He was going to bring her to the vet tomorrow if she was not eating still but my little (13 1/2 feet long) Lil' Lola went to Snake heaven. Poor thing. I feel so bad. Brian had to call Ziggy to come pick her up. Apparently she is now buried in her favorite blanket in the back yard. I just got wicked shivers. I am a little pissed off that he did not call me right away. I would have liked to have been there when she was "sobbing". He said he heard her making noises. I am so beside myself right now.
I guess this is the final chapter of Brian and I. The good part about all of this is that we have no more ties. I feel bad for him because I know how much Louie and Lola mean to him. Oooohh Louie must be so sad right now. Do you think Snakes know that their life long companion is gone? Ooohh Louie is a widow. Poor Louie. Awwwwww.
I am going to miss her when I cook dinner and she literally "runs" around the corner and slivers around my legs until she is head level with me. She was awesome. She used to get jealous of me and try to suffocate Brian. hahahah No such luck though. She was seriously like a kid. I swear to Goddess she smiled at me. Anyway, My lil' Lola is dead and now I guess you can say Brian will finally be out of my life for good. Hmmmm. Thanks Lola. I will miss you baby girl.


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