Sunday, January 11, 2004

Just a little word of advice. Please, when you are stressed out and in a deep thought, DO NOT SKI DOWN ANY MOUNTAIN. Always have a clear head and a sound mind.... If not you will slam into the most dreadful, inarticulate human being in your life. I wanted to seriously knock this 31 year olds teeth down his throat. His looks were a cross between Rob Thomas and Gavin from Bush. He had on A Black Ski jacket with a RED star on the back. Although the run in was probably all of my fault, As I regain the 2 second loss of consciousness, He stands up looks down at me, smiles and says "Fucking Broads man!" I said "What the hell did you just say?" He said "I can tell by your tone dear that you heard me clearly" I said "DEAR? Do I look like a 86 year old married woman?" and he continues to say (And I quote) No, but you look like a 25 year old Stupid broad who can't ski". Can you believe the gall? Seriously. It was an accident and I immediately apologized to the prick. Oh wait but it does get so much better. After that comment I started feeling dizzy and my mouth was becoming dry. I know these symptoms like the back of my hand. These were my rage symptoms. They sometimes scare me. This loser who's name happens to be "Jake" continues to verbally badger me and then says, "Look, you scuffed my board and I am a little pissed off. Excuse my comments but you really should watch the slopes instead of worrying about how you look" I was like WHAT??? "I am skiing in below zero weather with icicles hanging off of my eyelids and cheeks and you think that I am concerned with how I look? I am sorry I scuffed your board ass hole, but I did not mean it, I said I was sorry and I just wish you would tumble down the rest of the mountain o.k.?" He started to laugh and said I had alot of "Spunk". I told him pretty much to "Kiss off" (in much better terms) and he looked at me and said as he was heading down the mountain "I was going to help you up too. It's too bad because you are kind of cute. Your mouth isn't though." And he boarded off. I was fuming inside. So flupping mad that I got up and followed him down the mountain. As I passed him I sneered at him ( and wanted desperately to poke him with my poles) and called him the biggest dick I have ever met. He tried to chase me but I won.
I cannot believe that happened to me.
The moral of the story once again is ..... DO NOT SKI WHILE YOU ARE THINKING ABOUT LIFE CHANGING EVENTS OR WHILE UNDER PRESSURE. When you do ski under these conditions, and you think of nothing except those things and you could really hurt yourself.
Oh How did I find out his name you may ask? We were at Loonie Lou's and he was there later that night and sent over a bottle of wine with his apologies. I sent it back of course and told him to shove it somewhere.
He just laughed at me and shrugged. My friends think we are destined for eachother. I beg to differ. I am destined for someone else and I cannot wait for the moment we fly to Hawaii and get married on the beach.


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