Sunday, April 11, 2004


I will be the first one on this planet to tell every last one of you that I am materialistic and want the best of everything. But what certain people seem to consistently and constantly ignore, is the fact that I don't need it from anyone else except myself. Money is something I make on my own. I make a lot of money for me and my daughter to enjoy. I don't want fucking hand outs and I most certainly do not need anyone's financial help. I don't need a piece of jewelry every time I see you. I don't need bouquets of flowers daily. I don't need your trucks, motorcycles, boats or vacation homes. I don't need your endless talks of taking me out of my blue collared life style. I don't need to be showered and pampered with all of your luxuries. I just need you. I need you to take me for a long walk, no limos, no luxury cars or top of the line SUV's, no custom chopper. I need you. Just you. Only you, with nothing else. I would give up everything and anything to just have you alone.


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