Thursday, January 27, 2005



your monotonous words become static,
buzzing, humming, and incoherent messages,
that are repelled by my eardrums
because they cannot be deciphered by my sober mind.

your once charismatic smile and
twinkling blue eyes
are nothing more than hard, deadened,
expressionless entities,
only existing to take up space on your empty face.

as your life is devoured
by artificial substances and
your nights perpetually fueled by your intoxicated state,
your potential
your beauty
your life
drains from your body,
like the last drop of stale rum that
slowly flows from your regularly-handled bottle.

for every hit you take,
for every promise you break,
for every withdrawal you shake,
and for every detrimental decision you make,
i cannot feel anything for you anymore
for you cannot even feel.

-Angie Bingaman


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