Tuesday, December 23, 2003


Besides the fact that I was nursing a serious cold/flu this weekend I must admit Saturday night was exceptional. We made a positive visit to Alex's and when I tell you how much fun I had...it would be an understatement. We of course have a few gorls we are familiar with and friendly with whom showed us a V.I.P. time and then the feature was one of my favorite adult stars Lexie Lamour. We became fast friends with Lexie. We even exchanged phone numbers with her. She is amazing. We talked at length about my all time favorite chicky Traci Lords. She filled me in on some dirt that I never knew about. We were treated as if we were super stars. As we were leaving the club at closing, we were thanked by all of the ladies there because apparently we had an expensive night. It was fantastic. I have some photographs that the Alex's staff was so kind to take that will quite frankly make all the men quiver.
At any rate, my Holiday shopping is complete. I think that this year is most likely the last year that Hannah will believe in Santa Claus so I am saddened. I am going overboard with presents for her this year and I can honestly say that it soothes me to spoil her to the core. She is so wonderful and she deserves the world. She is so giving and caring and I love her more than my life. We were cleaning her bedroom Sunday night together and she says to me " Mommy, do you think that maybe we can pack up some of these toys and give them to the poor?" She is so loving and she cares so much about the earth. She hates litter and she picks it up as much as possible. She loves the earth which is intriguing to me because of my Wiccan beliefs. Even though I do not share any of that with her, it seems as if she is leaning towards the worship of the earth. I am the type of person who believes that parenting is in the eye of the beholder so to speak. I raise my daughter cautiously but very open mindedly. I do not shelter her. I tell her the truth about the world and the going ons. I let her speak her mind no matter what it is and I feel as though that is the best way ...in my eyes. I keep it open and honest. Anyway I feel as though it is her choice in what SHE wants to believe in. Not me. I raise her spiritually and she is happy as am I.

On another subject. I was reading a blogger last week that made me both laugh and then made me feel the exact same way. A friend of mine, Ed Carvalho www.edwardjcarvalho.com has the most intriguing blogs ever. I read them daily. He is a poet and a writer and also an incredible singer/musician. He is very much an inspiration to me in alot of ways. His blogs are both fascinating and intriguing. Anyway, please check out his blogger if you would. It is so extremely poetic and alot of his poetry hits home for me.

Here is an exerpt from one of his blogs:

DISLIKES - People who GOSSIP - let me refine that definition for you, troglodytes of the South Shore - that is to say, people whose lives are so utterly bereft of anything eventful - of redeeming value - that they are forced to climb on the backs of the strong and tie themselves hitherto like a barnacle-ridden buoy. You are lower than a paper tiger: you are a cardboard parasite and I despise you for your very existence. From me to you - go back to your TV guide, your sitcoms, your brand-name trinktets and GET A FUCKING LIFE, tapeworms.
Posted on www.edwardjcarvalho.com by Ed 12-18-2003

That is just the start of his rant. He is quite humorous...but very serious.
I am off to finish up my last minute stuff.....during work hours of course.
Talk to you all soon.
Ed Carvalho, You ROCK!



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