Friday, December 26, 2003

As we prepare for the tides of Yule, finished with our gift shopping,
baking, and decorating, we await the coming of the growing light that
accompanies the Sun's return! The seasonal turn of Halloween is behind
us, but here I'm busy preparing for Next years events.
Hopefully everyone's Holidays, be it Yule, Christmas whatever, were exceptional.
The moons cusp in the next few days will be extraordinary and happiness should be in the "cards" for all who believe.
I feel extra happy today in fact. I had an overwhelmingly happy Christmas. I was quite the spoiled brat. I got everything that I wanted and more.
I am looking forward to star gazing this weekend...... It is going to be a wide open sky and I have heard of a possible full moon also.
I did my deed today in the "educating through literature" department.
I sent a few of my close friends some literature on Wicca and Shamanism in hopes that their minds will be opened more and they will better understand the "culture".
I hope everyone had a great "Holiday", whatever their beliefs and I look forward to entering the new year with good and positive spirits with all of my loved ones.
Talk to everyone soon.
I think I am the only one besides Tony who had to work today!!
This completely sux.
Love ya
Ruby / Katie Anne


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